September 15, 2024
Smart Grid
Process Improvement
Our services are listed below in broad categories to provide you with an idea of Otter Peak's capabilities.  Please contact us to discuss the specific requirements of your project. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.
Systems Engineering
Let our experienced engineers help you gather, develop, and decompose requirements to design your system.  Through UML/SysML visualization, you will see your system components and connections clearly, identify requirement gaps, and optimize execution.
Software Construction
Otter Peak can fully develop or enhance your software to your specifications.  From desktop Microsoft Windows® applications to Linux daemons, our proficient developers can construct your programs in all popular languages.
Smart Grid
In the rapidly changing utility industry, access to and analysis of real-time data is becoming the norm.  Providers of all sizes can benefit from our knowledge and years of experience when creating RFPs and finding the perfect vendors for their Smart Grid needs.  Working with the Smart Grid since its inception, our engineers have implemented large installations around the world.  Let Otter Peak assist you with back-office, security, RF/PLC communications, cellular providers, system integration, and scalability solutions to help your utility provide optimal service to your customers as we move into the era of the Smart Grid.
Process Improvement
Otter Peak also offers development lifecycle process improvement.  Through an intense review of your current lifecycle, we will recommend methods to improve your time to market and overall quality.  Shortening your time from start-up to sustainable R&D is our priority.
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